“In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson is Buried” Questions

Today’s story was a photocopy of Amp Hempel’s story, “In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson is Buried.”   Not sure if you can find this story online, but here are the questions.  If you’re unable to find it online, you can ask me for a copy of it tomorrow.

Also, poetry books can be returned tomorrow.  All future stories will come from The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer, which will be issued tomorrow.  Stop by if you’re AP testing so you can get a copy.   You can also find versions of the stories we’re reading online (for Chaucer).

Questions for “In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson is Buried” (packet)

1.  Why did it take the narrator two months to visit her best friend in the hospital?

2.  What is referenced by the 2nd “it” (“it scared him to death) in the story told by the mortician?

3.  Where does the narrator’s friend seem to be on psychologist Kubler-Ross’ six stages of grief process?  Explain your answer.

The stages are, in order:

Denial:  “This can’t happen to me.”
Anger:  “It isn’t fair.  What did I do to deserve this?”

Bargaining:   “I’ll do anything if you just make this go away.”
Depression:  “I feel hopeless, nothing matters anymore.”
Acceptance:  “I’ll be okay.”
Hope:  “What can I do to help others?”

4.  What’s the real difference between the Good and Bad Doctor?

5.  Why is the setting of “earthquake weather” appropriate for the story?

6.  Does the narrator stay the night with her friend?   Why or why not?

About ahorowitz1

I teach AP Literature at Everglades High School in Broward County, Florida.
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